Own The Culture // Invest in PYNRS
Running is evolving. What was once a sport dominated by white, slim bodies, is seeing an explosion of new faces and new paces. New communities and new cultures.
Not everyone is happy about this growth, as was made painfully obvious at Mile 21 of the Boston Marathon.
Running isn’t new to us, we have a long but often ignored history in the sport. But, diversity in running has always come with restrictions, caveats, or limits.
Brands have started to capitalize on the growth of the sport by supporting and sponsoring diverse running communities.
But how long will that last?
History has proven that when “diversity” is no longer trending, budgets dry up and our communities are left with nothing more than free product and empty promises.
The only way to change this narrative is through ownership.
Ownership allows us to show up as our full authentic selves, to create spaces where our community thrives.
This is exactly why PYNRS exists, and needs to exist: to disrupt running’s status quo by asserting Black ownership into the running industry so that we have a say and a stake in how our culture is portrayed in running.
We need a piece of the game to change the narrative.
We’ve been running the culture, here’s our chance to own the culture.
Together, we can redefine success and reshape the future.
Join the movement
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